This is a documentary by Massimiliano Grivetti and Paolo Salvetto. On October 31, 1517 Martin Luther posted his 95 theses to the door of the church of Wittenberg Castle, starting the Protestant Reformation. 500 years later, in 2017, an exhibition was set up in Turin, promoted by the National Committee for the anniversary of the 5th centenary of the Protestant Reformation established by MiBACT, in collaboration with the Luigi Firpo Foundation, the National Library of Turin, the Amici Association of the National Library of Turin, and with the support of the Waldensian Studies Society, Reale Mutua Assicurazioni and Pearson Italia, which financed the video presented here.
Based on the results of the most recent historiography and with the intervention of established historians, the video gives the opportunity to know about the origins and the protagonists of the Reformation and to reflect on the roots of religious pluralism which gave rise to significant achievements of European civilization: tolerance , religious and political freedom, the secular nature of public institutions, the human rights.